Monday, November 18, 2019, 7 PM |Communications 150 (Studio C)
we didn’t know anything of the real fever down here
an evening with KELLY SEARS
co-sponsored by Porter College and Film + Digital Media
This hour-long program contains films that address the tensions between the failed and the fantastic. Animated photographic and cinematic documents are combined with speculative storytelling to address liminal psychic experiences and larger political histories in the everyday imagery around us. The anxious residue of our times is mined, drifting between fiction and history, the poetic and the concrete.
Screening is open to the public and accessible to the Deaf and hard-of-hearing on request (contact for questions about accessibility).
Tuesday November 19, 2019 2:00-5:00 PM, Communications 113 & 11
In this workshop, we will experiment with the potentials of rotoscoping to explore the relationship between indexical footage and interpretive aesthetics. Through readings, visual texts, and a technical workshop, we will consider the trace, the corporeal, and the unconscious in non-fiction filmmaking. Advance registration required: contact to sign up and to request the a copy of the seminar reading.
KELLY SEARS is an experimental animator who reframes American archetypes and institutions to reimagine our own social and political legacy. Through combining animated photographic and cinematic documents with speculative storytelling, each of her films contains recognizable cultural narratives that take fictional twists, as history merges with the uncanny. Her award-winning films have screened at Sundance, Slamdance, South by Southwest, American Film Institute, Los Angeles Film Festival, MoMA, The Hammer Museum, The Museum of Contemporary Art Houston, and Union Docs. Sears is an Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies and Moving Image Arts at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she teaches advanced filmmaking, animation, experimental narrative, and media archeology.
More about Kelly Sears at